Thor Juhlin Rules
Jamboree Rules:
- Sportsman-like behavior from all teams, players, coaches and spectators. This is a Jamboree, not a tournament. Have fun and respect each other, refs, and the facility
- Quick warm-ups, on the field then ready to go on time. GAMES WILL START AND STOP ON A COMMON HORN: BLAST TO START, BLAST TO END GAME. Games are 25 minute running time. No time outs, All subs on the fly.
- No clearing counts, just the goalie 4 seconds. NO overtime in case of a tie.
- Full Penalty time will be served, offending player serves penalty time and a man down/up situation immediately follows. (coach or field monitor keeps penalty time and clock continues to run, immediate restart by officials)
- Mercy rule at 5 goals differential no face off (optional)
- Game balls for the games will be at each field.
- If a player is ejected from a game, he’s done for the day and must leave the facility.
This is a reasonable rain or shine event, so plan accordingly. If in doubt, check the Randolph Lacrosse website at or call 866-802-0837 and the recording will be specific to the Jamboree.
Jamboree line: 973-476-8731 (Director’s cell)

This Jamboree honors the memory of Thor Juhlin, the founder of the Morristown Lacrosse Club and the Coordinator of the NJJLL Jamboree for many years. Initially, the Juhlin Jamboree encompassed the entire league, however, the growth of the league and the proliferation of tournaments has prevented us from hosting 85+ teams. This Randolph Jamboree is pleased to remember our friend and colleague in lacrosse, Thor Juhlin…he would be proud.